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How To Encourage Yourself When You Feel Like You Have No Purpose

Writer: Rick DornRick Dorn

Sometimes, it's hard to pinpoint all the reasons why you feel down and out! When you don't know what's really going on with yourself, how can you fix that low feeling?

Let me just throw this out there to ponder...maybe the feeling is tied to a lack of purpose!

Symptoms of Lacking Purpose

You are comfortable with your situation and you don’t want to stretch yourself.

You feel your time has passed and you missed your chance.

You don’t dream. There is no vision for your future (Proverbs 29:18, spell out when people have no vision they perish).

You don’t feel you’re worthy of it, because of past mistakes.

You have lost your passion to achieve or excel and don't know how to discover your purpose or plan in life.

Your Maker Has a Design For You

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, A plan for Hope and to give you a future says the Lord.”

I remember being in church and we had a guest speaker ( someone that I never met in my life). I was leading worship that Sunday morning. Before he gave his message, he began to prophesy over me. I had been prophesied over before. However, this time something was different. This time I felt as if something was pulling on the inside of me. I knew God wanted to encourage me and I knew that this prophecy was on point.

This was the prophecy given to me:

"The man of God that was leading worship today...I saw a project, man, that was unfinished. It was on a shelf somewhere and the Lord told me to tell you that it’s time to pull it back off the shelf. Surely in the next six months of your life, I see the pen of a ready writer.

The Lord says he’s about to download new songs in you, as you have yet to see. I literally see this project being fully funded too. There were some issues with some financing and how it was going to be taken care of.

The Lord says as you put the pen to the pad, there was a spirit of fear that literally tried to overtake you. To keep you from releasing what God has put on the inside of you. The Lord told me to tell you today that he’s removing the spirit of fear. He’s about to launch you out in this next season as an arrow of deliverance.

For surely, the thing that is in your life was not just for you. It's for the many that God has called you to. You’ve known that this thing is so much bigger. The Lord says “the time is now. It’s time to pull it back off the shelf and get to writing because he has work for you to do in this next season to come. In Jesus’ name. Amen."

For years, I have always believed that God had a bigger and greater plan for me. I often felt discouraged thinking my time may have passed. However, God put in my spirit to be patient. He comforted me that there was still a plan for my life.

I posted this prophecy on my refrigerator door. Every day as I walked by it, I would thank the Lord for bringing it to pass. I began to write the vision. I began to write new songs. Little did I know that a song I previously wrote, would need to be rewritten for a movie!

Look at God! God promises are true. He cannot lie!

How to Jumpstart Having a Vision for Life in Daily Living

You must not be afraid to get uncomfortable to move forward. Go the extra mile to stretch your belief, faith, trust and go in a different direction or route.

Let me exhort you!

Try a new thing.

You must see new things!

You must touch a new thing.

You must believe in new ways.

You have to become a new thing and shake off the old.

Change your mind!

Forget about every old failure." If any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation! Old things have passed away and behold all things are new.", 2 Corinthians 5:17

Translation...reinvent yourself!

Encourage Yourself as You Develop in Your Purpose

Remember, that your identity is fully in Christ! No matter where you are in life high or low, you are who God says you are, period! That mindset has been a great source of encouragement to me!

It's easy to forget that the Lord can give specific information about your calling. If you have trouble seeing that, be open to the Lord sending a prophetic voice to speak the Fathers' heart to you, as He did for me.

That is a divine gift of the spirit, that has the power to unlock worlds just because your eyes have been opened! What you can "see" you can have because it creates a vision on the inside of you.

When you have a vision, it's easier to discern who and what belongs in your life! You can better avoid pitfalls, delays and stagnant situations. The power to use the vision God has given you to discern more carefully, what His will is for you is a definite "encouragement tool".

In closing, the most important thing for me has been to keep my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith. That when I hit a wall that won't seem to move, I stand on His Rhema and Logos word. He can bring all things to a completed state!



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